

dental exams and check-ups

Routine dental exams are an essential component of maintaining overall health. Routine exams allow problems to be caught early before they become big problems. This will help you maintain overall health as well as save you time in the chair and money in the long-term.The unfortunate fact about dental disease is that it typically presents without symptoms. Dental decay (cavities), cracked teeth, periodontal/gum disease, erosion, wear, and even abscesses are all conditions that may present without symptoms. If these conditions go untreated they can cause irreversible damage. The key is to catch problems early. Small problems tend to be less costly and take less time to fix.

tooth cleanings

Even the most meticulous brushers and flossers can’t clean every surface of every tooth. That’s why it’s important to get a professional cleaning every 6 months. Food and debris when left on teeth for extended periods of time can lead to caries (cavities) and calculus (tartar) build-up. A cleaning performed by a dental professional (dental hygienist or dentist) can ensure those tough to clean areas get clean. Routine, thorough cleanings will help prevent disease, decrease overall inflammation, and remove stains to help give you a whiter smile.

Flouride Treatments (SDF and NAF)

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Fluoride is a natural occurring mineral that has been found to strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. The active ingredient of most toothpaste contains fluoride. In-office fluoride treatments, such as fluoride varnish, are over 20x the concentration of normal toothpaste. This high concentration has been shown to decrease the rate of decay by nearly 30% in certain populations.Everyone can benefit from fluoride application, but those at high risk of decay will benefit the most. Individuals who have a history of dental work (fillings, crowns, etc.) or lost teeth due to decay, are highly encouraged to have fluoride applied at their 6 month check-ups.  These fluoride applications will help prevent cavities from starting, as well as slowing down the growth of small cavities.

Periodontal/Gum Diseases Care

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Periodontal/ gum disease involves the shrinkage of bone around teeth, which can lead to teeth becoming loose and falling out. Roughly 1 in 3 people have periodontal disease, meaning they have already begun losing bone due to aggressive bacteria that sit down in the gums. A deep cleaning by a professional, helps reduce the number of bacteria in the gums, which in turn helps to prevent future bone loss.Poor periodontal health has been linked with poor overall health in numerous studies. Individuals with untreated periodontal disease may experience additional challenges with blood sugar control (especially for diabetics), increased risk of cardiac complications and stroke, increased risk of aspiration pneumonia, and increased risk of premature death. If you notice your gums bleeding when you brush or floss, or if you find you frequently have a bad taste in your mouth, ask your dentist about your risk of periodontal disease. We screen for periodontal disease at every patient examination.


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A sealant is a filling material that flows into the grooves on the biting surfaces of teeth. The pits and grooves of teeth are often difficult places to keep clean. A sealant blocks off these places and prevents food debris from building up and cavities from forming. Research has shown that sealants are one of the best treatments to prevent decay, especially for children and young adults.

Oral cancer screenings

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The Oral Cancer Foundation estimates that more than 50,000 people in the US are diagnosed with oral/oropharyngeal cancer each year. These cancers tend to be aggressive and demonstrate a low 5-year survival rate of 57%. It is important that your dental provider does screenings annually, so that any change from normal is discovered early. We perform an oral cancer screening for all patients at every periodic exam.

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sleep appliances

Our office can help with screening and treating nighttime conditions including nighttime grinding, snoring and sleep apnea.

nighttime grinding

Sleep bruxism, or grinding one’s teeth at night, is a condition that can result in disrupted sleep and severe damage to teeth. When gone untreated, it can lead to severe sensitivity, nerve damage, and an altered bite. The damage is often very difficult and expensive to correct, requiring numerous crowns and root canal therapy. When discovered early, a sleep appliance can be fabricated to help protect the teeth. The appliance can be custom made for each patient to allow maximum comfort and protection.

snoring appliances

Snoring is a fairly common sleep condition, characterized by hoarse or harsh breathing sounds made while asleep. The characteristic snoring sounds occur when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat, causing the tissues to vibrate as you breathe. A nighttime appliance may help reduce the incidence and severity of nighttime snoring. It’s important however, to rule out a more severe condition known as OSA (obstructive sleep apnea).

sleep apnea appliances

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a condition in which the airway becomes obstructed during the night leading to periods where breathing stops or nearly stops. This disruptive condition can wreak havoc on your quality of sleep and overall health. A sleep apnea appliance is designed to help keep your airway open so that you can get a full night of sleep without the disruptions.

The following are signs and symptoms experienced by those with OSA.

  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Frequent frustration or irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • A greater risk of high blood pressure, heart conditions and stroke
  • An increased risk of behavior problems, such as aggression or learning problems in children with OSA
  • An increased risk of motor vehicle accidents due to lack of sleep

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